Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I think I goofed again

For some time now I have been thinking that my hair is getting thin since all the med and so I decided after My husband suggested it that I would get a perm.  I think this was the fourth one I have had in my lifetime. I don't know why I did it bit I did.
let                                me tell you it really took. I mean I have corkscrews all over my head.  I t is not a pretty sight. Evaluative my husband looks at me he has to check himself so that he doesn't laugh.  I would laugh too if it were some one else.They told me not to wash it two days so that the curls will set better.And I really really really want to wash it and get rid of some of those curls, however, when I think of how much it cost it gives me pause to keep them at least for a few weeks .
The sad thing is that I know better.  The last time I vowed never to do it again.  My sons secretly called me bozo the  clown .  All that red hair and all those curls.Now my hair is w and coursers so the solution worked so well. when I get up in the morning I look like a wild woman/ and it itches too.
No more perms I am using that as my new years resolution.  I am just wondering how long this one will last , the lady who gave it to me said it would probably last longer than usual because I had virgin hair.  I'm not sure what that's means but I don't think it's a good thing.             
In fact I think I will go wash it now. I'll let you know how it goes.
Have a good day all and talk to God about anything and everything He's a  a very good listener. Luv ya Sass

1 comment:

jutka said...

Hi Sass,
I hope your hair is settled down by now, I don't like new perms either, but my hair is getting so fine these days.
Take care, love you,