Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What a nice surprise

There are still people out there that look for me from time to time.  How great is that?  Thank you Jutka and Judy for letting me know you care.
How much pain can you stand brfore you finally can't take it anymore?  That is the question.Whether tis nobler to just accept that this is the way my life will be from now on or to keep calling the drs. trying to get some relief is the rub.  I get so tired of explaining my pain and getting the impression that they think I am a hyercondriac (sp). 
New topic:
What do you think of the military bigwigs having all these affairs.  And to think these are the people who are leading us to victory.  And what is it that would mean victory to the USA  What exactly are we fighting for? As yoiu may know I consider my family fairly military.  My father was a prisoner of war in WW2, my brother was killed as a pilot during the Viet Nam war.  My husband was in Viet Nam, and both of our sons went into the military after graduation.  Our youngest son has made it his career. When I ask him how he feels about going overseas he just says it's his job. He has been to every war zone we fought in since he joined.  He has been away from his family almost more than he has been with them.  I remember reading the story of Dwight D. Eisenhower.  He had a mistress all the years he was in the serivice. Poor Mamie said that he even called his mistresses name while making love to Mamie.  That's just sad.  We need to first teach our leaders to zip it up and keep it up before they try to lead our boys and girls. If they don't have any more control than that then how can the be good leaders. I wonder if they have any idea how this will effect their children and wives.or if they even gave it a single thought
New topice again.
We need to laugh.  Give me something to laugh about.  I watched comedy central they other night for quite a while.  Either I just don't get it or they aren't funny anymore. and what's with all the language and nasty stuff to talk about.  Katt Williams is a funny man but there are so many bleeps that you miss the joke.  He seems to me to be a very intelligent man. and I like what he says for the most part.  Kevin Hart is the same.  I wish they would do one show with out swearing I would reccommend it to anyone.  Katt Williams is very down to earth with his thoughts and they way he moves around the stage is hillarious. I am sure he reads this so please Mr. Williams do a show for me.
and that's my complaining for today. 
I am going to call all three of my Drs. and raise some holy Hannah.  That should make them laugh.

Have a great week.  Rake the leaves . Holidays are coming .  Family and God time.  Luv ya Sass

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I am 70

Wow there I said it.  I really didn't ever expect to reach this age.  I somehow always thought I would not make through my 60's Now I will have to see if I can make it to 80.  I sitll find that my birthdays are not that exciting.  I don't know what I eexpect but whatever it is I don't get it apparently.Even when I was small I was not sad but excepting that it would be a crummy day for the most part.  I sound like a real whiner don't I?  Part of it is that almost every presidnetal election is held on my birthday. and it usually is rainy and cold.  same this year.
Got to get ready for bible study.  so this is short just wanted to complain and whine a little and this is my place to do this as no body much reads it. If you did take the time to read it.  Sorry I will try to do better ok?
You could go to church with me.  We are studying Peter.  You remember him he walked on water for a few secounds and then looked down.  Never look down always look up./ See you sass.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's true you never know

This last week has been just unbelievablr.  Friends went out of town for a funeral of a friend. She called me that afternoon following the funeral and said she had been feeling very bad all day so she went to the emergency room due to the pain and after checking it was decided she had to have her appendix taken out. It was perfurated, and so she was full of infection.  Later that afternoon the minister at our church called and said one of our members in the nursing home passed away and his funeral would be Saturday.  The next day as we were starting our ladies meeting at church the minister called and told us my good friends husband had just passed away. He had been put in hospis just the day before.
It really makes you take a moment and think how true it is that you never know when it will be your time.  For isntance all of those people who died during hurricane Sandy.  One minute watching the water rising and the next being swept away and gone.   Scary isn't it.  People get ready there's a train a coming.  Don't need no ticket you just get on board.

Good news I get to brag a little.   Our granddaughter who will be 12 next week was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society Friday.  Wish I could have been there, but I am planning on going there in Dec. to see her in a play at school.  She is following in her Daddy's footsteps and joined the drama club at school.  She has been teased a lot about being a drama queen through the years so I guess she figures she might as well live up to her nickname  This is our Hannah Lou. Not a very good picture kind of fuzzy, As you can tell we aren't the best picture takers.

Are you going to vote?  I hope so it's really the thing to do.  I used to say I was too busy and besides I didn't know who to vote for. Now after getting calls all day and all evening long for the last few monthe I have decided to vote just so I can try to help make sure it's over and my phone will stop ringing,.  I am not one to try and influence others as to who to vote for since I don't watch the debates but a few mintues each time before I get bored, but I have been listening about the healthcare proposal quite a bit and in my opinion even though it will take effect I think we should somehow get rid of it.  The less the government has to do with my life the better.
I will ger off my soap box now. 

I think I will run for office someday.  My platform will be that we need to laugh more..  THis last week I noticed how few times people laugh really laugh.  My slogans are all ready known for the most part. Laughter is the best medicine. laugh and the world laughs with you. I could have laughed all night, sorry that's danced all night. Of course most of the situations I have been in lately weren't a whole lot of laughs., AND SO we need to have put more fun in our lives.  Tomorrow when you sit down to breakfast or lunch look around and laugh. a huge laugh..  I'll bet others will join in very shortly.  Of course they will have a perplexed look on their faces and if you are in a restaurant you might get asked to leave if someone thinks you are making fun of them but I doubt it. If you are in a restuarant I would suggest that you take inventory of those around you and try not to be close to grouchies.or someone who looks like he or she maybe carrrying a weapon.  zThey tend to have short fuses..
Just a thought when you vote try to remember if your candidate has a nice smile..If not move on to the next one.    

Church tomorrow.  Time to thank him for all you have.  He takes time for you and imagine how busy he must be so doesn't he deserve the same respect and attention> And you get to sleep and extra hour so you will have plenty of time. to get there.  See you there.Sass