Monday, December 26, 2011

And a happy new year

We had a great Christmas.  There is something so nice about Christmas being on Sunday.   You have a candlelight service and sing songs to God.  It just makes the day so much better.  People you haven't seen for awhile come to church and you catch up on things.  Then you go home and have a happy lunch time with those you love.  Our son made most of our lunch while we were at church how nice.  We had opened our presents before Church h so it was very restful after that/.  Calls from all over, Thank you for sharing your birthday Jesus.
My husband did his usual thing and made me promise I would not get him anything and he would do the same.  He of course bought for me and I of course bought for him.  I think it's becoming a tradition .
For some unknown reason I started to give our children and then grandchildren pj's, a lifesaver book, and duck tape for their stockings.  I didn't do that this year and boy did I hear about it.  Especially the duck tape.  I get pastel for the girls and black for the boys.  I guess we will be making another box and sending it out
We were a little neglectful of our usual giving to the needy or alone.  We only did it for two people this year.  Our son has this thing of picking out a couple when he and his wife go out on date night and they pay for their dinner without letting them know. He is so happy when he tells us their latest giving.  we really raised some wonderful boys.  I am so proud of them. 
I took the tree down last night and our village down this morning the house looks so much better.  Isn't it funny how nice it looks when you put it up and how nice it looks when you take it down. 
Hope you had a blessed Christmas and that this new year will bring prosperity enough, employment enough, comfort enough, but most of all love enough to see you through.    Luv ya all  Sass


1 comment:

matina said...

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